Monday, November 29, 2010

Nutrition for Teen Weight Lifters

Teenagers need proper nutrition because of big changes that are going on. The final major growth spurt prior to adult hood is occurring between the ages of 15 to 18. How we look feel and perform is dictated by what we eat and drink. Teenagers in general need a balanced diet high in nutrients not a diet of fats, sugars and salt that comes from snacking on the go. Teens who do sports like weight lifting need to eat not only a balanced diet and frequent meals. Students who don't have the option of eating in class can make an easy shake to substitute meals. Depending on your exercise demands powdered protein can be mixed with either water or fat free milk and carried in a thermos for a quick meal before or after class.

Written by: Ryan Twigg-Smith


Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy during muscular activity.  They are stored as glycogen in the muscles and are used for short intense bursts of power.  There are two different types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.  Basically, simple carbohydrates require minimal digestion, so they are a quick source of energy.  Complex carbohydrates are more steadily digested.  The energy released from them is in a steady stream that is used throughout the day.  Both bear equal importance to weight trainers.  The recommended daily amount of carbohydrates is 500-600g.  Because this is for the general populace, there is a formula for finding a more accurate intake based on your body's weight.  This formula is 3.6 x body weight (lbs) = grams carbs/day. Carbohydrates are just as important in weight lifting as proteins because they provide the energy to contract the muscles needed to lift heavy weights.  Once your glycogen supply diminishes, the energy that fuels muscle contractions is lost.  Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from fruits such as apples, oranges, peaches, and pears.  Complex carbohydrates can be obtained from a variety of grains and vegetables such as pasta, brown rice, brown bread, potatoes, and other root vegetables such as carrots.  Foods that should be avoided are candy, soft drinks, chocolate, cakes, and other sweets.  These foods contain a large mount of added table sugar.  These will not be as beneficial to weight trainers as more natural carbohydrate rich foods.

Written by: Daniel Park


In any teenage diet, protein is important because it helps with growth and repair of the body. A lot of things in the body are made from protein such as muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones and that is why protein is important for a weight trainer. This is because the protein helps to grow and become bigger and stronger. There has been research that shows any athlete especially weight trainers require more protein. But eating protein in excess is very bad for you. The RDA for protein is about 46g for a teenage girl and 56g for a teenage boy. For a weight trainer the percentage or protein intake should be 20%. In a 2000-calorie diet, the amount of protein is about 100 grams, which is equivalent to 3 chicken breasts. The consuming of so many calories is not uncommon due to the amount of energy used because a weight trainer is an athlete. A good way to get protein is from milk, nuts, legumes, fish, eggs, and leaner meats. Fat-filled meats and cheese are not recommended because it has a lot of saturated fats, making the food not a suitable source of protein. Stay away from red meats, such as beef,goat, lamb, and other human-bred animals, because they have been connected to causing diseases, which are not helpful for being an athlete, such as a weight trainer.

Written by: Hallie Lam


Fats are very effective in giving energy to athletes because it contains twice the amount of calories. But since fat is not fast-acting it can only be used during low levels of activity such as walking and jogging. Fat is also used for insulation to keep us warm, gives protection for organs, and transport vitamins within the body. Fat intake should be 20-35%, so in a 2000-calorie diet the in RDI is 44-78g. Fats can be broken down into four categories: saturated fats, unsaturated fats, essential fatty acids, and cholesterol. Saturated fats can be found in almost any part of the food pyramid except fruits and vegetables. In excess, it can cause diseases. Saturated fats are the 'unhealthy fats.' The amount of saturated fats in your diet should be less than 10% of total daily calories. Unsaturated fats come in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats are found in safflower, sunflower, and corn oil. The poly fats are not as protective to heart disease as mono fats, which reduce the chances of heart disease. Some foods that contain monounsaturated fats are: avocados, almonds, pecans, olive oil, and canola oil. Essential fats are absolutely necessary for the body, but are often neglected because of the processed food we eat takes it out. An essential fat such as Omega-3 is found in fish oil. A lack of essential fats can make you depressed or cause mental health issues. Cholesterol can be categorized into HDL and LDL. LDL can cause heart disease and creates plaque in your arteries. HDL lowers chance of heart disease and gets rid of LDL. For a weight trainer a diet low in fats is key. A good essential fat for weight training is Omega-3, which helps maintain a low body fat to exercise more efficiently.

Written by: Hallie Lam

Hydration and Caloric Intake

Hydration is a key factor to weight training that does not receive much recognition.  Staying well hydrated during intense sessions of physical activity such as weight training is crucial to avoiding injury and achieving greater results.  Weight trainers need to be well hydrated for basic bodily functions.  When your lifting weights, your body temperature will rise naturally as your muscles become active.  Water helps to regulate your temperature in such cases.  Your joints are also in action while weight training. Water lubricates the joints so that the can move smoothly even under strenuous activities such as lifting.  This helps to prevent long-term chronic injuries that could stifle a weight lifter's progress.

Calories are a measurement of energy that we get from the food we consume.  An excess of calories in a diet leads to the surplus being stored as fat.  Calories come from the three macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.  Calorie consumption varies greatly among people.  Factors that determine caloric intake are height, weight, and gender.  Weight trainers because of their demanding exercise programs should consume more than the average sedentary person.  Because of the extreme variation among people, the 2000 calorie recommendation will be used for this example.  A person trying to lose weight by decreasing body fat should begin with 1500 calories.  A person looking to maintain their weight should keep steady at 2000 calories.  A consistent weight trainer that trains at least three times a week and is looking for an increase in mass can start with 2500 calories.  Steadily build up from your current calorie consumption as your weight increases. Keep in mind that the total calorie consumption should be made up of foods rich in the macronutrients mentioned above.  It is also important to remember that overconsumption of one of the macronutrients won't improve results.  An excess amount of protein won't help improve results if there is a lack of carbohydrates.  Balance is the key to maintaining a proper diet for better results.

Written by: Daniel Park

Meal Plan

Day one-three
6:30 am Breakfast
4-6 egg whites or ½ cup oatmeal
With optional salsa, onion, all vegetables
Salt is ok
Use Pam for oil

9:00am snack glass of low-fat/skim milk

Noon Lunch
Chicken Breast 6oz
One fist sized sweet potato

3:00 pm snack healthy shake

6:00 pm Dinner
Fish 6 oz
¾ cups cooked rice

8:00 pm snack:
hard-boiled egg whites